Thursday, January 28, 2010

New exercise targets might scare Canadians

Research indicates that, given the eating habits of Canadians, it would take at least 60 to 90 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise every day to prevent weight gain and keep the heart and lungs healthy.

Currently, the Public Health Agency of Canada recommends a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes a day, along with resistance training and flexibility.

But the guidelines are 12 years old and, according to some fitness and health experts, need an overhaul.

Fittest Children Cycle To School, Says New Research

Medical New Today, January 28

Children who cycle to school are more physically active and fit than those who use other modes of transport, according to new research from the official journal of the American College of Sports Medicine.

Canadian Health Measures Survey

Between 1981 and 2009, fitness levels of Canadian children and youth, as well as those of adults, declined significantly, according to the first findings from the Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS). This is the most comprehensive national survey ever conducted in Canada to determine fitness levels.

The CHMS captured key information relevant to the health of Canadians by means of direct physical measurements, such as body measurements, cardio-respiratory fitness, musculoskeletal fitness and blood pressure.

Heart and Stroke Foundation Report Warns: a "Perfect Storm" of Heart Disease Looming on Our Horizon

The signs of this impending crisis are clearly evident. Between 1994 and 2005, rates of high blood pressure among Canadians young and old skyrocketed by 77%, diabetes by 45% and obesity by 18% - all major risk factors for heart disease. For example, among those 35 to 49 years of age, the prevalence of high blood pressure increased 127%, diabetes by 64% and obesity by 20%.

Gen Flab needs our action

Globe and Mail, January 15
Author: Andre Picard

The numbers are in and they are, predictably, ugly: Canadians are heavier, wider and weaker than they were a generation ago.

According to Statistics Canada, we are packing on the pounds at an alarming rate, and that weight is accumulating principally around the belly, where it has the most potential to damage our health.

How pedestrians, cyclists and drivers can get along a little better

It's war out there as an ever-increasing number of drivers, pedestrians and cyclists compete for space on the world's roads.

While the number of Canadians killed on the roads has been falling steadily since the early 1970s, the percentage of fatal accidents involving pedestrians killed has remained around 13 per cent. According to Transport Canada:

419 pedestrians were killed in 1999.
335 pedestrians were killed in 2001.
374 pedestrians were killed in 2006.

More pedestrians struck down (Toronto)

Fourteen pedestrians have died in Toronto's streets since the first of January. This has prompted a considerable amount of media coverage. Following are links to some of these articles:

Workshop - Sustainable Transportation for Metro Vancouver Teachers and Educators

Date: Monday, February 15, 2010
Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

If you're interested in bringing transportation issues or ideas into your classroom or school, you'll find programs, partners and resources that can help. Breakout sessions covering a broad range of topics, including:

* An introduction to the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition's range of Bike to School programs
* A sneak peak at Greenlearning's new EnerAction lessons and Case Studies on Sustainable Transportation and the Vancouver Area Cycling Coalition's new Secondary Bike Ed Curriculum.
* Brain and spine injury prevention with Thinkfirst
* An overview of HASTE, an online resource centre for schools working on transportation issues

Want a solution to obesity? Ride my scooter

Globe and Mail, January 15
Author: Marcus Gee

But after decades of unrestrained sprawl, it will take time to achieve this new urbanism. In the meantime, a lot will come down to individual choice. It will come down to getting over our paranoia about “dangerous” city streets and letting kids walk or bike to school instead of chauffeuring them everywhere (in Tokyo, even tiny kids can be seen strolling to school with their backpacks on). It will come down to organizing our lives so that a little exercise is part of daily life in the city.

If you walk and use a cell phone, watch out

New York Times, January 17
Author: Matt Richtel

Slightly more than 1,000 pedestrians visited emergency rooms in 2008 because they got distracted and tripped, fell or ran into something while talking or texting on a cell phone. That was twice the number from 2007, which had nearly doubled from 2006, according to a study by Ohio State University, which says it is the first to estimate such accidents.

Bicycle-friendly - Two-wheeled machine growing in popularity

The Windsor Star, January 23

With fuel costs soaring and environmental conservation in vogue, the bicycle is making a comeback in many cities, becoming a major part of urban transportation plans.

Men's website ( has come up with a list of the world's top most bicycle-friendly cities.

Saskatoon skateboarders pine for indoor park

Skateboarding enthusiasts in Saskatoon are calling for the city to build an indoor facility for the popular recreational sport. Considering Saskatoon's climate, skateboarding at the city's outdoor facility is not feasible until spring.

Oshawa needs bike racks: UOIT students

News Durham Region, January 26
Author: Jillian Follert

A trio of UOIT students is fighting to make Oshawa a more cycle-friendly city. "There is limited space at places like Tim Hortons, or malls or grocery stores, to leave your bike," said Mr. Slowikowski, who recently made a pitch to Oshawa council's community services committee. "People need to know their bike is safe and secure when they park it."

Video - Active Transportation

Excellent video prepared by the Municipal Sustainability Office, Union of Nova Scotia Municipalities.

Council debates active transporation

Nova News, January 23
Author: Nick Moase

It sounded like a simple task: Form a committee to study active transportation options for Queens Co. However it quickly divided council into just what to include in the study.

The debate erupted when Deputy Mayor Darlene Norman wanted to include ATV trails in the Region’s study. She said the Queens ATV Association has the volunteers and resources to help develop these trails, and right now on its own the RQM doesn’t have trail development as a high priority.

Battle bulge through active transportation

Packet & Times, January 25
Author: Chris Tomasini

In Orillia, our most pressing need in this area is pedestrian and cycling bridges connecting downtown to West Ridge and the Orillia Square mall. But don't forget, there are no bike lanes on our streets, and if you want to bicycle to a shop near the Peter and Mississaga intersection, the nearest bike parking posts are at Metro, Home Hardware or the public library.

Public meetings on walking and cycling to be conducted in Greater Sudbury

The City of Greater Sudbury has initiated a Sustainable Mobility study to be conducted in 2010 with Rainbow ROUTES Association as the lead agency. This study will assist in fulfilling the city's vision of becoming the most pedestrian-friendly city in Ontario by 2015. The Plan will work towards improvements which will make walking and cycling in Greater Sudbury safe, accessible, efficient and pleasant.

Top Stories of 2009 : No. 5 : Hike, bike trail likely to reroute

Victoria Advocate, December 29
Author: Gabe Semenza

[T]he city closed both sides of the crosswalk. City staff placed temporary fences on the street side of both trail heads. The city council then opted to table the issue.

Now, the council eyes a more permanent solution.

"Higher traffic volume, higher speeds and the curve presented additional complications there," said Lynn Short, the city's public works director. "There were safety concerns. The staff offered some possible solutions: Closing the crossing and rerouting the crosswalk to Ben Jordan Street where there is already a traffic signal."

Vitoria Newsletter - Cycling & Walking Matters

Vancouver Island's Active Transportation Newsletter. Prepared by John Luton.

The picture of health?

The Coast, January 21
Author: Sean Flinn

While Nova Scotian athletes strive for Olympics gold, many of us struggle to stay healthy and active in a province that can only do so much to help us reach our fitness goals.

Dalhousie’s campus master plan a mixed bag

spacing atlantic, December 29
Author: Jake Schabas

Judged from this perspective, there’s much to praise in Dal’s new plan. Students’ cries for improved active transportation and public transit infrastructure have finally been heard. The master plan proposes putting bike lanes along University Avenue and turning the now vacant corner outside the Student Union Building into a “landscaped transit terminal.”

[Canadian universities are beginning to respond to student demand to be more AT friendly. -MH]

Liquor store break-in suspect arrested on bike

A suspect in a liquor store break-in on Boxing Day in Sydney, N.S., was nabbed by police while making his getaway on a bicycle.

[They cannot all be serious. Think of this as an "Act of Desperation." -MH]

Long Beach makes way for bicycles

Los Angeles Times, January 26
Author: Tony Barboza

The city is proactive in becoming more cyclist friendly, even creating 'sharrows' for bikes and cars to share lanes. And 20 miles of new bike lanes are coming soon.

[If it can happen in Los Angeles, it can happen anywhere. - MH]

Trial for London cyclists to go left on red gets green light

London Evening Standard, January 10
Author: Nicholas Cecil

Mayor Boris Johnson proposes the change so cyclists can get ahead of vehicles at junctions — particularly lorries, which are involved in a large proportion of accidents in which riders are killed.

Electric Bikes Terrorize the Streets of China

Wall Street Journal, January 17
Author: Shai Oster

By some estimates there are 120 million e-bikes on China's roads—up from just 50,000 a decade ago, making it the fastest growing form of transportation in China. Cities at first embraced them as a quieter and cleaner alternative to gasoline-powered scooters.

Officials were caught off guard when that environmentally appealing solution turned out to be deadly on the streets. In 2007, there were 2,469 deaths from electric-bicycle accidents nationwide, up from just 34 in 2001, according to government statistics.

[An issue to be aware of in Canada. -MH]

Friday, January 15, 2010

Canadians' fitness levels plummet

Canadians are officially flabby and unfit.

Statistics Canada released the Canadian Health Measures Survey on Wednesday, a comprehensive fitness survey that actually directly measured Canadians of all ages, rather than relying on less reliable self-reports on data such as weight.

"The results demonstrate a significant deterioration since 1981, regardless of sex or age. In particular, muscular strength and flexibility have decreased, and all measures of adiposity [fat] have increased," the authors of the report on children's fitness levels concluded.

A One of a Kind Walking, Biking School Opens in Canada

School Transportation News, January 12
Author: Ryan Grey

In an effort to battle rising child obesity rates, traffic congestion, environmental concerns and injuries from motor vehicle crashes, P.L. Robertson elementary school in Milton, Ontario, opened its doors last week as the first of its kind that forbids parents from driving their kids to school. According to Jennifer Jenkins, a registered nurse and the project manager for Halton Public School Board's Active and Safe Routes to School Program, about 98 percent of the school's 700 students bike, walk, skateboard or ride scooters to and from school.

2010 Montréal Budget - Montréal presents a responsible 2010 Budget, addressing future needs

The BIXI self-service bike system, which enabled users to make more than one million trips during its first year of operation, will continue to expand in 2010. Another 60 km will also be added to the city's bike path network in 2010.

For further information: Patricia Lowe, Media Relations, (514) 872-5467; Source: Darren Becker, Office of the Mayor and the Executive Committee, (514) 872-6412

Technical Report - The Effects of On-Street Parking on Cyclist Route Choice

University of Texas

Because of the serious societal, environmental, economic, and public health problems associated with motorized transportation, there is increased interest in encouraging non-motorized modes of travel. The current study contributes toward this objective in two ways. First, it evaluates the operational impacts of bicycling adjacent to on-street parking. Second, it identifies the importance of attributes influencing bicyclists’ route choice preferences. The importance of evaluating both operations and individual preferences at the same time is the interrelationship between the two; poorly designed roadways may encourage cyclists to leave designated bicycle routes.

Active and Safe Routes to School in Manitoba Program Newsletter - Winter 2010

Highlights include:

1. IWALK 2009 a success
2. Clean Air Day Poster Contest
3. Free Bicycle Mechanics Course for Teachers! Deadline for registration January 13th!
4. On the Move in the Community – a conference on Active Transportation and Active and Safe Routes to School – Montreal; June 3 and 4th, 2010
5. ASRTS Provincial Working Group: March 3rd Information session for Ministers, School Trustees, Superintendents and Community Leaders
6. School Travel Planning Pilot Project Underway
7. Kids on the Move – Child and Youth Friendly Land-Use and Transport Guidelines for Manitoba
8. Upcoming Events

Too Much TV Reduces the Benefits of Physical Activity

In [a] new study, Dr GF Dunton and colleagues at the National Cancer Institute used a phone survey to collect information on a sample of 10,000 non-underweight Americans above the age of 21. Participants self-reported their height and weight, as well as the amount of time that they had spent engaging in both physically active and sedentary behaviors in the past 24 hours. Not surprisingly, time spent engaging in sedentary behaviors like watching TV and driving in a car were associated with increased body weight, while high levels of physical activity were associated with lower body weights. But what is really interesting is that sedentary behaviors altered the relationship between physical activity and obesity.

New multi-use trail will run from Fairview to Lakeside

Halifax NewsNet, December 17
Author: Kim Moar

The tracks are coming up and HRM is getting ready to construct a new 8.8 kilometre-long multi-use trail running from Joseph Howe Drive to the Lakeside Industrial Park.
CN sold its decommissioned railway corridor — known as the Chester Spur Line — to HRM in August for $2.7 million.

“It will be an active transportation corridor to encourage cycling, inline skating, skateboarding, walking, strol-lers, motorized scooters and wheelchairs, and anything like that, but no ATVs,” Coun. Linda Mosher said.

HRMbyDesign part IV: Transportation

Aside from making our downtown more sustainable, economically vibrant and heritage-friendly, HRMbyDesign also intends to change the way we move. The Downtown Halifax Secondary Municipal Planning Strategy (Downtown Plan) section on transportation addresses issues such as the reorganization of downtown streets, active transportation, public transit, freight movement and parking.

Centre for Sustainable Transportation

The Centre for Sustainable Transportation is a membership-based, non-profit organization that facilitates best practices for the movement of people and goods over the long-term.

What is a longboard?

A longboard is similar to a skateboard in many ways, but has some significant differences. A longboard is made for cruising and not as much for the flip tricks etc done in regular skateboarding, Be it as a means of transportation or as a form of entertainment most longboards are longer and wider than a typical skateboard and often times have very different shapes than a skateboard designed mostly to help with carving (like on a surfboard or snowboard).

[Some background about the type of skateboard used for transportation. -MH]

Mont Royal Ave’s first flirtation with pedestrianization

spacingmontreal, December 29
Author: Alanah Heffez

Summer 1970: Montreal’s first mall. Not the suburban kind of mall we’ve grown to dread, but a pedestrian shopping area in the heart of the city, on Mount Royal avenue between Chambord and Marquette.

“A substantial body of public opinion in this city firmly believes that it is urgent to relieve downtown areas of the congestion and confusion of excessively heavy motor traffic…Only radical measures can head off a paralyzing stagnation of city life brought on by an uncontrolled proliferation of cars and trucks,” the Gazette editorialized in July 1970.

[A fascinating bit of history. -MH]

Active Transportation Making the Link from Transportation to Physical Activity and Obesity

Walking and bicycling for daily transportation are important sources of physical activity, but they have declined dramatically over the past few decades. Between 1977 and 1995,a the number of all walking trips decreased by 32 percent, and there was a similar decrease in trips made by adults walking to work.9 Adults walk for only 21.2 percent of trips that are one mile or less, and children walk for only 35.9 percent of trips to school that distance.10 Reversing the decline in rates of walking and biking for transportation, especially for short trips, presents a major opportunity for improving health among children, adolescents and adults.

New Year's resolution you can feel good about

Winnipeg Free Press, December 31
Author: Michael Rutledge

The more that Winnipeggers can use active forms of transportation and try when possible to make some of the other choices that are available to reduce GHG, the better our health and the health of our family, friends and community will be.

Mayor reflects on 2009 council year

Bracebridge Examiner, December 30
Author: Matthew Sitler

Bracebridge mayor Don Coates says 2009 was a busy, productive year for the municipality, and citizens should expect more of the same next year as new projects come to completion.

“There are some really good things happening in our town that we are blessed to have,” said Coates on Christmas Eve day. “This year we started to extend the active transportation bike and walking trail along Manitoba Street, which will be finished in 2010. It’s the section of sidewalk that goes from the lights at the turn to the high school up to High Falls Road, connecting with that road’s active transportation trail, which will be complete in early summer. It’s something the residents up there have wished for, for an awful long time.”

North Perth council supports walking initiative

Listowek Banner, December 30
Author: Andrew Smith

North Perth council has taken the first step in encouraging walking in the community and supporting a new initiative. Kerry Price of the Moving On committee of Perth County said some of those ideas could be better sidewalks, crosswalks at schools, connecting to walking trails, and better connectivity in the municipality. In addition to signing the International Charter, Price is hoping that municipalities form their own local Moving On committees in anticipation of an April 11 event to be hosted in Perth County.

Study - Active versus passive transportation to school–differences in screen time, socio-economic position and perceived environmental characteristics

Annals of Human Biology
2007, Vol. 34, No. 3, Pages 273-282 , DOI 10.1080/03014460701308615

Authors: Jorge Mota, Helena Gomes, Mariana Almeida, José Carlos Ribeiro, Joana Carvalho‌and Maria Paula Santos

Objective: The aims of this study were (1) to assess the relationships between transport to and from school (active vs. passive), sedentary behaviours, measures of socio-economic position and perceived environmental variables, and (2) to determine which, if any, variables were predictors of active transportation.

Active Transportation in a Rural Environment

There are many challenges to promoting active transportation in a rural area. Among them:

• Most research and writing on community design, active transportation, cycling, planning etc. is urban in context
• Rural “car culture”
• Distances between destinations
• Limited tax base but extensive road network to keep maintained
• Often, transportation = Cars = Roads, with little consideration given to other modes of transportation

[Website of Communities in Action, Haliburton County. -MH]

Active transportation open house is a success

The Huntsville Forester, December 23
Author: Pamela Steel

Two dozen people came out to the Muskoka Active Transportation committee’s open house at Partners Hall last Thursday to provide input on the project.

The committee was established in 2007 to explore the definition of active transportation in Muskoka, recommend objectives and develop a strategy. In a discussion paper released last December, active transportation was defined as “any human-powered mode of transportation, including purposeful and recreational travel.” Purposeful travel includes getting to work or doing errands; recreational travel is purely for enjoyment and health benefits.

Developing nations' pandemic: The car

The Vancouver Sun, January 9
Authors: Peter Dauvergne, Laura Lee and Miro Cernetig

On an average day, automobiles now kill more than 800 people and injure as many as 34,000 every six hours

The World Health Organization now ranks traffic accidents as the leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 15 and 29. By 2020, automobiles will kill 1.9 million people each year. Within five years of today, the automobile will be the No. 1 killer of children aged five to 14. In short, the automobile has become the 21st century's technological pandemic.

County council proceeding with active transportation study

The Amherstburg Echo, January 9
Author: Brian Giofu

Bateman stated that the purpose of the project "is to create a consistent and comprehensive strategy for promoting and supporting non-motorized transportation for continuity across all municipalities. The master plan will establish a vision for cycling and pedestrian facilities in Essex County and supports a move towards creating a safe, comfortable bicycle and pedestrian-friendly environment that encourages people of all ages to use non-motorized vehicles for everyday transportation and recreation."

Input sought for active transportation plan

The Yarmouth County Vangard, January 9
Author: Eric Bourque

People who are interested in active transportation are encouraged to take the survey, part of an effort to gather public input to help in the development of an active transportation plan for the Town and Municipality of Yarmouth.

New Disraeli plan satisfies drivers, cyclists

Winnpeg Free Press, January 12
Author: Bartley Kives

Northeast Winnipeg motorists and cyclists both got what they want from the final design for a rehabilitated Disraeli Freeway: No extended closures during the construction period and a bike-and-pedestrian bridge that doesn't require a detour.

The Disraeli Bridge over the Red River will be replaced by a brand-new, four-lane vehicle bridge with a sidewalk and a separate, lower span for bikes and pedestrians, the city announced on Monday, as it unveiled the configuration for the rehabilitation of the 1.1-kilometre Disraeli Freeway, which connects downtown to Elmwood.

Walking program launched at Glace Bay Hospital

The Cape Breton Post, January 10
Author: Sharon Montgomery-Dupe

Some clients and staff at the Glace Bay Hospital have started 2010 by stepping into a new healthy lifestyle program. Brianne Lynch, recreation therapist for the adult day program at the Glace Bay Hospital, said they launched the Nova Scotia Heart and Stroke foundation’s Walkabout program for their clients and staff at the hospital Friday

Essex County launches $150K trail study

A study is underway in Essex County, Ont., to determine how best to connect trail systems in the county's different communities. The $150,000 County-Wide Active Transportation Study hopes to create "a regional trail system that connects the entire county back up into [Windsor]," county engineer Tom Bateman told CBC News.

Council gives bicycle lane a rough ride

Vernon Morning Star, January 12
Author: Brent Mutis

A request from a cycling group to add a bike lane to the new grid road has been denied by Coldstream council.

Plans include a multi-use pathway but it won’t extend past the end of the grid road. Cyclists are concerned they’ll have to cross the road at that point to get onto the existing paved bike lane on College Way.

Bike It U Can 2

The groundbreaking Bike It project is usually all about helping children to get fit and healthy by teaching them the skills they need to cycle safely and responsibly. It's been hugely successful, with thousands of pupils now cycling to school every day.

They devised the 'Bike It U Can 2' project for parents, to complement the Bike It work in schools. The hope was that by teaching parents how to ride on the road safely, this in turn would encourage them to allow their children ride to school.

From bikes to cars to bikes in a generation

The China Post, January 11
Author: The Straits Times/Asia News Network

The city of Beijing wants to persuade more of its residents to follow the example of commuters like Bian in switching to the bicycle lane.

Last month, the capital announced plans to bring back the bike. Part of its road map to a greener, less polluted city involves going big on renting out bicycles so that commuters will ride rather than drive.

Funding Pedestrian and Bicycle Projects - Webinar (US)

The Federal Highway Administration' s Transportation Enhancement (TE) Activities and Recreational Trails Program (RTP) provide funds to develop transportation and recreation infrastructure. Gabe Rousseau and Christopher Douwes of the FHWA will explain these and other federal programs and offer suggestions on how to apply for funds. The presentation will also provide information about the authorization of the Federal Surface Transportation Program expected in 2010.TE activities increase transportation choices and access for pedestrians and bicyclists and enhance the built and natural environment through scenic and historic highway programs, landscaping, historic preservation, and environmental mitigation. The RTP provides funds to states to develop and maintain recreational trails and trail-related facilities.

Webinar presenters are Ty Houck, Director of Greenways, Natural and Historic Resources, Greenville County Recreation District; Dr. Gabe Rousseau, U.S. Department of Transportation and FHWA Bicycle and Pedestrian Program Manager; and Christopher Douwes, FHWA Trails and Enhancements Program Manager. APBP board member Tom Dodds, South Carolina's Bicycle and Pedestrian Engineer, will moderate the webinar and add his insights on how state coordinators can assist local jurisdictions in identifying and applying for funding.

Update on disappearing bike lane case: Judge, victim, lawyer respond, January 7
Author: Jonathan Maus

When bike lane striping disappears through an intersection, does the legal standing of a person operating a bicycle in that lane also vanish? Last month, Multnomah County traffic court judge Michael Zusman ruled that it does and the decision has left many people confused and concerned.

[Another artilce in the theme of bike-motorists disputes - in this case, legal - that are sure to increase as does the number of riders. -MH]

Safety course for mobility scooter drivers following spate of accidents, January 4
Author: Heidi Blake

Drivers of mobility scooters are being asked to take a police safety course after a spate of accidents involving the low-speed electric vehicles.

The safety scheme in Norfolk was introduced following a high volume of complaints about accidents being caused by the scooters on Great Yarmouth’s streets and pavements.

A speed limit of 4mph was imposed on mobility scooters in Rugby town centre two years ago after an accident in a shopping centre in which a pedestrian suffered leg injuries.

The final draft Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030 is now available.

In October, two pedestrians died in Philadelphia after being hit by errant cyclists. Now, anti-cyclist sentiment is on the rise.

[Worthwhile reading. As the number of people cycling increases, tensions will arise between them and motorists - or in this case, pedestrians. As AT advocates, it is critical that we understand the issues. -MH]

Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030

The final draft Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030 is now available.

11th International Walk21 Conference - Call for Papers

The 11th International Walk21 Conference and 23rd International Workshop of the International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic safety is calling for papers.

The conference will take place in the magnificent Kurhaus Hotel on the beaches of Scheveningen, in The Hague, The Netherlands.

Beijing's lofty eco-friendly goals for 2012

Global Times, December 25
Authors: Wen Tao and Li Qian

Traveling by bike will be chiefly promoted as it provides a solution to the city's congestion problem. A series of facilities are planned to encourage cycling, including exclusive bicycle lanes on both sides of the road, especially in major office areas like the CBD and Zhongguancun. More than 20,000 bicycles will be available for rent at 500 leasing stations, mostly near subway stations and other traffic hubs.

Edinburgh’s The Bike Station granted a £750,000 development award

Bike Biz, January 15
Author: Mark Sutton

As one of Scotland’s largest cycling organisations and one of the UK’s largest cycling social enterprises, The Bike Station has been quick to allocate the grant for the promotion of cycling to a number of campaigns over the course of the next 15 months. Several project partners, including the Edinburgh Bicycle Co-op, have come on board to help raise the number of cyclists using Edinburgh’s roads.