Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Project - Methodologies for Identifying and Ranking Sustainable Transport Practices in Urban Regions

From Barry Wellar, PhD, MCIP, Principal, Wellar Consulting Inc.

I am working on a project for Transport Canada titled: "Methodologies for Identifying and Ranking Sustainable Transport Practices in Urban Regions". Transport Canada and I believe that the project should be of interest to a number of members of the AT community, and that AT could make a very important contribution to the outreach part of the project.

A Project Synopsis has been prepared as an element of the outreach part of the project, and it has been posted at:

It would be very much appreciated if you could post and otherwise circulate the Synopsis, or the link to the Synopsis, as part of the effort to inform community groups, advocacy groups, and other public interest groups about the project.

For more information: wellarb@uottawa.ca.

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