Monday, June 3, 2013

Funding the future of transport: congestion charges in cities used to promote cycling

[I can imagine this being oh so popular in cities such as ... Toronto?]

“Not only does charging for congestion help solve traffic problems, we also see that the revenue is often reinvested into cycling,”concludes Fabian Küster. “This is what ECF has been promoting for a long time. Cycling is just a natural choice in order to replace car traffic in urban areas, and it works.” Read more.

1 comment:

Martin said...

Transport Futures initiated the road pricing discussion in 2008 to level the playing field for cyclists and other sustainable transportation users. We've learned that congestion charging (CC) would not work in Toronto -- only in Montreal, Vancouver and Halifax where bridges can be used to create a zone around the city. But really, CC is old technology that creates horizontal and vertical equity challenges. In all Canadian cities we can use GPS technology to price all roads dynamically. More at