Friday, Nov. 13, 2009 - 1:00pm to 5:30pm (Workshop primarily for community groups, activists, students)
Metropolitan Hotel, Toronto, Ontario
Can changing the way we pay for our roads encourage multi-modal transportation choices, decrease traffic congestion, improve air quality and generate dedicated revenues for renewing aging infrastructure? International research and experience has shown that putting a visual price tag on roads, like we do with other public utilities, can motivate sustainable transport choices while ensuring that road users pay more directly for multi-billion-dollar transportation plans and infrastructure – including transit, cycling and pedestrian facilities. But how do governments charge a user fee for roads when mentioning the words “toll” or “congestion charge” or “tax” raises a multitude of public concerns and opinions?
Don’t miss Transport Futures 2009 where, with the help of European and North American experts, we will delve deeper into public acceptance issues and provide recommendations for and against road pricing in Ontario. Speakers include:
· Gunnar Söderholm, City of Stockholm, Sweden
· Andrew Price, Halcrow Consulting, UK
· Ferry Smith, Royal Dutch (Automobile) Touring Club, NE
· Patrick DeCorla-Souza, Federal Highway Administration, US
· Ken Buckeye, Minnesota Department of Transportation, US
· Robin Lindsey, University of Alberta, Canada
· Imad Nassereddine, 407 ETR, Canada
Questions? Email info@transportfutures.ca or call Rose at 905-760-7777 x.101 or 1-866-531-1608.
We look forward to seeing you on November 12th and/or 13th!!
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