Monday, February 10, 2014

Workshop: Welcome to Canada – (Winter) Riding for Newcomers

Friday, February 14th - 1 - 4pm Manitoba Theatre For Young People (The Forks)
(Free - coffee provided)
Do you work with newcomers to Canada? Do you get asked questions about transportation? Wonder how to use the power of the bicycle build self-esteem and create community? Whether its year-round or just when spring hits, bicycles can be a powerful tool. Learn how to make it easier for everyone to adopt.
Join us for unique and exciting "train the trainers" workshop for those who work with new Canadians, refugees and others being run by Angela Van Der Kloof an internationally-reknowned educator, specialist in newcomer issues and an expert on bicycle skills programming who is joining us from Delft, Holland. 
All the details on the workshop are here
Please RSVP to local organizer Robin Ellis at

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